<< Product 45/n 45/c Vacuum Tube

-Aubergine-type bulb of glass, a four-prong bayonet pin tube, oxide coated filamentary,mesh plate, canbon plate triode.
Application-Audio frequency amplifier where undistorted power output of approximately 1.6 watts .
Dimensions-Dimensions, outline diagrams of the tube and bases, and the arrangement of electrode connections to the base terminals are shown in Figures 1and 2 .

Load resistance
Power Output 18Watts 12Watts


Limiting Operation Conditions for Safe Operation-nor simultaneous ratings
Maximum plate voltage ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­275 volts
Maximum plate dissipation ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­ˇ­.10 watts